JavaScript Unit Testing

JavaScript Unit Testing

A Comprehensive Guide to Ensuring Bug-Free Code


JavaScript unit testing focuses on assessing the individual units or components of a JavaScript application to ensure they function as intended.

JavaScript unit testing helps developers:

  • catch bugs early

  • improve code quality

  • ensure software functions as expected

This article expounds on JavaScript unit testing and the following:

  • its importance

  • tools

  • best practices

This article is aimed at web developers.


This article requires:

  • experience using JavaScript

  • installation of Node.js

Understanding JavaScript unit testing

A unit typically refers to the smallest testable part of a software application, which is often an individual function or method.

Unit testing is a procedure used in software development where the smallest testable components(units) of a program are individually examined for appropriate operation.

Unit testing is essential in JavaScript development for the following reasons:

  1. Early bug detection: Unit testing enables developers to find and fix defects early in the development process, decreasing the possibility of bugs spreading to later stages or reaching production.

  2. Improved Code Quality: Writing unit tests enables programmers to write modular, orderly, and testable code. This frequently leads to higher overall code quality.

  3. Code Documentation: Unit tests serve as executable documentation for the code. They provide insights into the intended behavior of individual units, making it easier for developers to understand and maintain the codebase.

  4. Refactoring Confidence: Unit tests provide a safety net when refactoring or making changes to existing code. Developers can make changes with confidence, knowing that existing functionality is protected by tests that will quickly detect regressions.

  5. Encourages Small, Testable Units: Unit testing promotes the creation of small, focused units or functions, making it easier to identify the source of issues and improving the overall architecture of the application.

Usually, developers write unit tests first, then write the software code. This approach is called Test Driven Development (TDD).

Elements of a Testing Environment

A JavaScript unit testing environment is a setup or configuration that allows developers to write, execute, and automate unit tests for their JavaScript code.

This environment includes various tools, frameworks, and libraries designed to streamline the process of testing individual units or components of a JavaScript application.

The following are some key components of a testing environment;

  1. Testing frameworks

  2. Assertion libraries

  3. Test runners

Testing frameworks

These frameworks help developers write and execute unit tests for their code.

Testing frameworks import JavaScript code, run it, and check for errors.

Some top examples include:

  • Jest

  • Jasmine

  • Mocha


Jest is an open-source JavaScript testing framework developed by Facebook. It is primarily used for React and React Native-based web applications.

It can be used with the following JavaScript frameworks:

  • Angular

  • Vue.js

  • Node.js

  • Babel

  • TypeScript.


Jasmine is a Behavior-Driven Development (BDD) testing framework for JavaScript.

It provides a clean and expressive syntax for writing tests and is designed to be easy to understand, even for those new to testing.

Jasmine is primarily used for testing JavaScript code in browser environments but can also be used in Node.js applications.


Mocha is a flexible JavaScript testing framework that supports both browser and Node.js environments.

As well as Node.js, it also supports other frameworks, including:

  • React

  • Vue

  • Angular

It provides a clean and simple syntax for writing tests and offers various features to accommodate different testing styles and needs.

Assertion libraries

An assertion is a statement that checks whether something is true, and it's often used in testing to ensure that your code behaves as expected.

Assertion libraries are tools to verify that things are correct.

Some of the popular assertion statements include:

  • should

  • expect

  • assert

Essentially, Assertion Libraries help developers test their code and significantly reduce the time taken to write thousands of lines of code (statements).

Some examples include:

  • Chai

  • Should.js

  • Jest Assertions

Test runners

Test runners are tools that execute test cases in the browser to observe how the test unit functions.

Test runners require testing frameworks to plug into it to run tests.

The testing software that uses Test Runners operates at the maximum level of abstraction. The test runner serves as the setting for all other testing software.

Some examples include:

  • Karma

  • Jest Integrated Test Runner

Best Practices for Effective JavaScript Unit Testing

Effective JavaScript unit testing is essential for making sure your codebase is trustworthy, maintainable, and right. Here are some best practices to improve your unit testing strategy for JavaScript:

  1. Follow the AAA pattern: AAA which stands for Arrange, Act and Assert is a unit testing pattern. It is a method of setting up and organizing test code to make unit tests comprehensible and clear. It involves structuring unit tests in three different sections:

    1. Arrange sets up the necessary preconditions.

    2. Act performs the action being tested

    3. Assert verifies the expected outcomes.

The following code snippets explain the AAA pattern using the Mocha framework:

const assert = require('assert');

// The class or function to be tested

class Calculator {

add(x, y) {

return x + y;



// Test suite

describe('Calculator', () => {

let calculator;

// Arrange: Set up the test environment

beforeEach(() => {

calculator = new Calculator();


// Test case for positive numbers

it('should add positive numbers correctly', () => {

// Arrange

const x = 3;

const y = 4;

// Act: Perform the action being tested

const result = calculator.add(x, y);

// Assert: Verify the result

assert.strictEqual(result, 7, 'Adding 3 and 4 should be 7');


// Test case for negative numbers

it('should add negative numbers correctly', () => {

// Arrange

const x = -2;

const y = -5;

// Act

const result = calculator.add(x, y);

// Assert

assert.strictEqual(result, -7, 'Adding -2 and -5 should be -7');


  1. Utilize realistic data: Avoid using ambiguous data when writing tests. In order to cover as many application pathways as feasible and find flaws, test data should be as realistic as possible.

The following code snippets show a function that calculates the total cost of items in a shopping cart:

// shoppingCart.js

function calculateTotalCost(items) {

return items.reduce((total, item) => total + item.price \* item.quantity, 0);


Then, create a test file (shoppingCart.test.js) using Jest with realistic data:

// shoppingCart.test.js

const { calculateTotalCost } = require('./shoppingCart');

describe('calculateTotalCost', () => {

// Arrange: Realistic data for testing

const realisticShoppingCart = \[

{ id: 1, name: 'Product A', price: 10, quantity: 2 },

{ id: 2, name: 'Product B', price: 20, quantity: 1 },

{ id: 3, name: 'Product C', price: 5, quantity: 3 },


it('calculates the total cost of items in the shopping cart', () => {

// Act: Invoke the function with realistic data

const result = calculateTotalCost(realisticShoppingCart);

// Assert: Verify the result

expect(result).toBe(10 *2 + 20* 1 + 5 \* 3);


// Add more test cases with different realistic data

it('handles an empty shopping cart', () => {

const result = calculateTotalCost(\[\]);



it('handles a single item in the shopping cart', () => {

const singleItemCart = \[{ id: 1, name: 'Product A', price: 10, quantity: 1 }\];

const result = calculateTotalCost(singleItemCart);



// Add more test cases as needed

  1. Write Clear and Descriptive Tests: Tests should serve as documentation for your code. Write descriptive test names that clearly convey the expected behavior being tested. This makes it easier for developers to understand the purpose of each test.

  2. Use Mocks judiciously: Mocking is the process of introducing external dependencies on the unit that is being tested. Mocks should only be used when there is less possibility of including dependencies on our tests, such as when testing HTTP requests, and I/O operations, such as database calls, API calls, or calls to other services.

  3. Write Deterministic Tests: A deterministic test is a type of test in software development where the outcome or result of the test is entirely predictable and consistent. In other words, when you run a deterministic test with the same input and under the same conditions, it will always produce the same result.

  4. Isolate Tests: Isolated tests are unit tests that run in a separate and controlled environment. Isolated tests don’t affect or are being affected by other tests or external factors. Make sure each test is isolated from the others. Test results shouldn't be affected by the status or results of earlier tests. It is simpler to determine the root of failures because of this independence.


In summary, JavaScript unit testing is essential to delivering bug-free and reliable code. This article explains clearly the fundamental principles and best practices of effective unit testing.

Developers can routinely check the correctness and robustness of their code by utilizing tools like Jest or Mocha and testing approaches like the AAA pattern.

Unit testing helps developers to catch and address issues early in the development cycle, reducing the likelihood of bugs making their way into production.

Happy testing!